bueno ps aqi el tercero de sus discos oficiales,este es uno de los 3 qe mas me gustan =P,xD lo qe me da risa es el largo nombre qe llevan algunas de sus rolas jeje,pero eso no importa,lo qe importa es qe se lo bajen :D
Brutal Technical Death Metal
Estados Unidos
320 kbps / 134 Mb
1.The Blessed Dead 04:53
2.Execration Text 02:47
3.Sarcophagus 05:10
4.Kheftiu Asar Butchiu 03:52
5.Unas Slayer of the Gods 11:43
6.Churning the Maelstrom 03:07
7.I Whisper in the Ear of the Dead 05:10
8.Wind of Horus 03:47
9.In Their Darkened Shrines, Part I: Hall of Saurian Entombment 05:09
10.In Their Darkened Shrines, Part II: Invocation to Seditious Heresy 03:51
11.In Their Darkened Shrines, Part III: Destruction of the Temple of the Enemies of Ra 03:12
12.In Their Darkened Shrines, Part IV: Ruins 06:02

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